Liu Jianshe

From Qigong City

Liu Laoshi was introduced to qigong in 1989 in Beijing and his destiny henceforth changed.

He was born in the Chinese famine time and grew up during the ten years of the Cultural Revolution. He suffered mentally and physically during this time and from 1966 to 1989, He suffered from painful stomach aches throughout the three winter months each year.

Since He have been practising qigong His mind and body have changed greatly. For the first time He felt so beautiful to be a human being! It was also the first time He felt proud to be Chinese!

He have been engaged in qigong healing and teaching since 1991. He have spread qigong in city and village, in China and overseas. He have witnessed many marvels of healing with his own eyes. He deeply feel qigong can bring hope to humanity and harmony to the world.

His website: